I started learning about this profession as a kid, in the summers when in the countryside I give a hand first to my grandfather Dario and then to my father Mauro. Common approach between generations: hard work and little talk. It may also be for this reason that I only come to wine later, as a drinker, which will not make me forget what an aficionado can look for in a glass: sincerity, character and great drinkability.
After graduating in Literature and Philosophy in Bologna and taking sommelier courses, two experiences opened up new vistas for me: first the job as a communicator in Sicily for famous wineries on the island and in other regions and then the service as wine manager in the nonconformist English sommelier.

Only after my thirty-three years the favorable conditions ripen, together with the necessary ambition and recklessness, to start my life project from vigneron. So I decide to return to Arezzo from London and try to earn the baton of the family farm. A very small cellar that my father raised as a hobby and in less than two decades has become something far beyond a simple entertainment.
I immediately start working on the rearrangement of the cellar and uproot the old vineyard, now irrecoverable, planting the new cuttings. The first official harvest of my management dates back to 2016, although I have already been in charge of the cellar during the harvest periods since 2013.
Being a winemaker today for me it means earning the right and freedom to work and live outside any classification. There isn't an aspect of my company that I don't personally take care of and if on the one hand this absorbs me completely, on the other it gives me a great opportunity, that of being able to be myself and make my wine freely. After all, it is an absolute choice, which tastes of obedience, sacrifice and promise.

I chose a pioneer of flight as the company's inspiration and brand. Otto Lilienthal was among the first to believe in the vision of being able to defeat that law of gravity that prevented the dream of hovering in the air, looking at creation in a truly different way. His story teaches that nothing is more realistic than great visions, if nurtured with ingenuity and determination.
Every autumn, when the must begins to boil in the vats, I perceive that moment in which we leave the ground and begin to glide without being aware of where the wind will take us. Sometimes something goes wrong and you fall, other times the glide allows you to conquer a few more meters, the important thing for me is to go back to the top of the hill every year and try again, always.